So first off I thought I would whip the cream because last time it took me quite a while, this time it took me 3 minutes so I could have done it at a later point. Either way I fully whipped up 200mls of heavy cream which is basically 36-40% fat content :D
Next separate 4 yolks and add in 10 even tablespoons of brown sugar in a mixing bowl. Whisk that till it's an even colour.
Then add a little bit of 270mls of milk into the mixture, stir that through evenly then continue to slowly add more milk while stirring through, don't be afraid if not all of the sugar mixes in.
That goes on the stove on a medium heat, make sure to stir constantly until it gets thick. This is the point I took it off the stove.
From here put the pan onto iced water and cool the mixture down sufficiently, this is also the ideal time to whip up the cream.
After the cooling down process my layer of excess sugar was largely gone.
Add two tablespoons of matcha green tea powder to 6 tablespoons of hot water, don't use boiling if you do boil it let it cool down a little. I still haven't found a good way to mix in all of the powder well I don't have a proper Japanese tea whisk haha. Mine was more consistent that this though.
Once you are happy with the consistency mix the tea into the cooled mixture in a large enough mixing bowl for the batch of ice cream. Once it's consistent easy the cream in and fold it around a little, You don't have to make it smooth and consistent it's best to just do it halfway and then gradually mix it in as it cools in the freezer.
It went into the freezer at that point, ideally you stir it a little every hour for about 3-4 hours but I was lazy stirred it once after 30 minutes and went to bed. So I kinda have pockets of cream but it has the texture and taste, that's what I'm about. Last batch was more consistent though because I did the gradual mixing.
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