On a pan i sprinkled katakuri-ko which is....potato starch! Also some on my hands cos this stuff hot from the microwave is SUPER sticky and HOT, I'm really the worst person to make this stuff I have baby hands that can't take heat. But yeah from there I split the big ball into 6 smaller ones. Oh I should mention for the first time I used just premade strained red bean paste 'koshian' I bought, so I portioned this into 6 small balls and had them ready to go in the mochi on a board. So from there it was just a matter of getting the koshian into the mochi, closing it into a ball and making sure you can't see the filling inside. First one failed, but the others turned out OK :)
Yesterday, though feeling brave from my half success with that batch I tried the impossible once again, ice cream filling. Now, I had tried this before but putting together hot mochi with ice cream had awful consequences, the ice cream would melt on contact making it harder to collect inside the mochi and in turn it would freeze the mochi making it no longer sticky so it wouldn't close....DISASTER!!!!1!1!
This time I tried to circumvent that problem by pre-wrapping the ice cream in koshian, which would not go runny when in contact with mochi and I could get it into the fridge before the ice cream inside melted and started oozing out. Unfortunately this double failed, the ice cream still melted before it froze in the freezer so a little oozed out of the koshian. Then when I tried with the actual mochi...well when I was making it it worked for the most part, besides the filling being too big so a batch that was supposed to make 6 made 3 LOL! The first one failed as always, the other two though I managed to wrap and enclose the mochi and they went like emergency services speed out of the kitchen into the freezer. I waited a while for the ice cream to re-freeze then took them out and cut them up to see how they fared. First of all the bottom side that was attached to the board didn't freeze and actually a hole formed where a little filing came out but it wasn't bad, it just looked bad....yeah, that's my theory. Looking at the pictures you can also see that the ice cream still liquified and it sank to the bottom of the mochi which is lame.
So, things I have learnt from my experience and watching videos online:
-Put glad wrap over the bowl when it goes into the microwave
-Use that glad wrap as a cover for the board, and then sprinkle the katakuri-ko over that, reduces on wasteful sticking.
-For Ice cream mochi, wait a sufficient amount of time for it to cool down, I don't quite know how long yet but using mochi straight of microwave is just not working.
Also, I thought the last time the ice cream was melting because I used my own homemade one, apparently I should of had more faith in my ice cream. So for the next trial I will go with a Maccha ice cream filling and standard white mochi :)
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