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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why no food WHY

Yesterday was a pretty hectic day the summation of which led me to not eat till about 11pm

I woke up late and didn't have time for brekky because I had to rush off to class! I barely made it in time for role call. Class was fun we were trying to discuss the differences between marriage ceremonies in our respective countries and then we did some listening. Western ceremonies stood out the most by far, me being the only Westerner in this class. The most dominant demographic is South-East Asia. Not many sub-continentals and only one dude from Africa.

After class I decided to go for a quick swim/gym so I would finish just in time to be a little late for Judo class, I didn't have the intention of participating in the first class just wanted to see what they do. Warm-ups wasn't a surprise to me but probably would be to anyone else who saw these people throwing their own body across the floor and attempting to do Breaststroke without the water. To clarify, Judo is a martial art that has two stages. First is the standing stage, both fighters start standing up and the initial part of the revolves around executing a trip or throw to 'ground' your opponent. The one who executes the throw/trip has the advantage because their opponent is stunned for a few seconds after being thrown and likewise after executing a trip the fighter has dominant control of their opponent. Now going back to throws most throws result with the opponent on their back so in order to increase one's resistance to the stun that occurs after being the victim of a throw Judo fighters need to condition their backs. To this end there are various exercises that include the back impacting the floor at about moderate intensity. The fighters also traverse across the floor on their stomachs using hands and feet (not forearms/elbows and knees like soldiers do) and on their backs using elbows and feet in a kind of weird twisting, pushing motion. This builds up the huge amount of stamina and strength needed to perform Judo. Then they started the ground-fighting and throwing training, I won't go into that since its quite complicated to write up.

As a side note kendo class is on the same time as Judo, in the same room. Those guys are crazy, completely different from the kendo I found in Australia.

After Judo they showed me where the club room was, everyone changed here into Judo outfits that were on loan from the university. I'm assuming that there is some sort of laundry system haha. You'll have to wait for next wednesday for more details on how Judo goes.

I intended to head into my bank branch to see if I could get some banking done since I don't have access to internet banking. The reason I don't have access to internet banking for my own bank account is that they I could be a terrorist. Unfortunately the office section was closed apart from a variety of ATMs that perform different services. I don't know if this is normal, if it is things could get difficult. At any rate I resolved to return another day when the office would be open and ask my aussie friend whats the deal. Since all of these things happened right after the other I still hadn't eaten anything so I was looking forward to eating something before helping a friend with basic karate.

So I got home and opened the fridge....NOTHING...well not literally nothing but only about half the stuff I need to make anything. Lucky theres a few fairly ok stores nearby so I went shopping. By the time I returned with everything I needed it was about 20 minutes before I needed to help my friend obviously I could have bought something to eat along the way or asked to postpone the karate instruction a little while but a) I was already carrying a substantial amount and b) I was helping someone else out later on. So I just drank some vege juice and went downstairs to do some karate. After that It was already getting late so I quickly headed off to Shinjuku to meet my other friend. Shinjuku at night is weird, I still don't understand the paradox of Japanese people saying they are busy when they have the time to go out eating and drinking till late in the middle of the week. Of course alot of this 'tsukiai' business entertainment (i.e. meeting with clients in more casual settings to discuss business). Still there were alot of people out couples, uni and high school students (still wearing uniform), salarymen, retired people, foreigners, people trying to sell you stuff or invite you to their nightclub. Anyway I met up with my friend and we headed off to a good internet cafe so she could apply for a student visa to Australia. I hate applications and trying to decode the mass of information on the Australian Immigration website took a while but we finally found the 'start application' page. Now she had asked me to help because everything was in English but seriously even as a native I don't think I could apply for a student visa to Australia. Too long and boring and complex 'sigh'. No clue how international students apply for theirs not knowing native level english maybe tenacity, maybe witchcraft don't know.

After about 2 hours of application I headed home and finally had breakfast/lunch/dinner. I stayed up a bit after eating but eventually slept in until 12 today. So tired.

1 comment:

  1. hey chewy post some damn pics man, you've done all this interesting stuff and as they say a pic is worth a million words, just think with one pic you can not blog for a whole lifetime, isn't that worth it?

    cliff notes: post pics
